
Back to School Supply Shopping!

I meant to write a post about this Monday, but forgot about it until now! So, guess how much I spent on school supplies for the kids this week? I spent $55 total. Not per kid, total. And this is for an 8th grader and a 1st grader. I know, amazing, right? How did I do it? I'll tell you.

1. Got my Sunday paper and compared their school supply list with what was on sale at each place. I chose to go to Staples because they had more of their necessities for cheaper.

2. I went through their individual lists with each of them to see what they already had. They had a few things left from last year that were still perfectly fine. Crossed out things to buy right then and there without having to leave the house (or even change out of my PJ's!).

3. Got post-its and Kleenex at the 99 cents store. Those are usually more at any store even during Back to School Sales. Most other things are cheaper at the sales.

4. Went to Staples and stuck to my list for each of them. No extras, nothing fancy or special. They know we're on a budget, and kids generally do not value their school supplies once they're actually in the thick of school. Things get thrashed. I got good quality supplies without buying anything where the extra flash means extra bucks.

5. I did NOT buy vinyl book covers! Those are expensive, ugly, and actually ruin textbooks! I help them make their own with paper bags we get from Ralph's or Trader Joe's. It's better for the environment AND they can draw and design on them and make them their own. Those look much better than camouflage or pink polka dots on their books.

And that's it! I did good this year! I hope you all are surviving Back to School! I can't wait. More art to be made while the kids are getting educated next week!

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