
30 minutes of Cardio: Tae Bo Style

So I really got the ball rolling today. Started my day with a small breakfast and coffee. Then my kids informed me that there was no toilet paper to speak of in the house. I pack up the baby and do a stroller power walk to the store to buy some. I work up a sweat before 8AM and decide, this is going to be a good day!

I convinced my 7 year old son to do Tae Bo with me. We both worked up a sweat and he got tired somewhere in the middle, but it was fun. When I asked him, same time tomorrow? He said, "Sure, the same dvd, okay?" Okay son, you got it!

I didn't get to do full yoga workout like I had wanted, but I will do a few yoga stretches before bed. As for the art...I promised myself I'd do something artistic today. I've been busy editing blogs and articles and working with social media...and I have less than half an hour. I think I'll put some inspiration images together to create inspiration boards tomorrow. We'll see how things go.

Ate very well today. My cravings for sugar are getting less urgent (but they're still there). More progress tomorrow. Good night all!


Post Baby Workout Blog

Yep, it's time. After baby #2, I need to regularly workout. He was 10 lbs and 11 oz at birth, so I gained A LOT. I had a C section, obviously...and that kept me from doing anything really strenuous for longer than I had imagined. That baby is now almost 10 months old, and I have lost a lot of weight, but I need to finally reach a weight loss goal that is healthy and that I am happy with. A recent trip to H&M reminded me how much fun it can be (and inexpensive) to really buy the things I like and have them fit the way I like them to. It's been a long time.

That being said, I am fighting a really terrible cold this weekend. Once that's done, I'm done being chubby. Time for major working out, no excuses. I need to get a new battery for my scale to keep track. I need to find myself again. This blog will be active with physical progress as well as art progress, which also has been in the background because of life and children, as they had to be at the time. Time to step it up and focus on me for a bit. I deserve to be a little bit selfish for once, it's been years since I've been!

And no, MY goal is not to become a cloud. :D


We're back!

So I was writing on another blog, but it's just not as fun as writing for this one and not too many people were following us. So I'm going to resume writing our blog here, where we started. :)