Last week I felt like I had no energy. I think from being drained from the week before. Personal problems have been lifted! Our family is super strong and closer than ever and will stand against anything and anyone who tries to break us apart. That's all I'll have to say about what we've been dealing with, but I have to say it feels really great!
Okay, I've got some projects started. Working on more shrines for Studio 6 as I've had a few sales already! Here's one that is almost finished:

Here are some paintings I had started way back when, and I couldn't look at them for a while because I was completely uninspired. After uncovering them recently while unpacking more boxes, I took a good look at these and felt like they weren't bad, not bad at all! They both have some potential. So new projects for me to finish!
I also got around to putting up my Geisha Muerta pieces. Yep, these are the same ones that were in the Real World Hollywood House...and my son watching Invader Zim as he's waiting for breakfast. :)

Another thing I did last week was take my daughter clothes shopping for back to school. We went to Buffalo Exchange in Ventura and she got all the trendy things she wanted and I got to trade in some of the stuff I wasn't using. Ended up paying about $50 for $100+ worth of stuff! Great Job! (yes Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! is now in my subconscious so I can't help but say Great Job! for everything these days lol) We even got done in record time, so we took a walk down to the Buenaventura Mission and took a tour.

What a gorgeous and peaceful place! My daughter and I both feel, see and hear things that we can't explain at times, and both of us felt very much at peace, but also felt extremely lightheaded and dizzy. The two places we felt the most dizzy was at the picture above, at the Virgin Mary shrine, and also toward the back where the tomb was. Quite an experience.
More to come including a new blog featuring Carlos and his many faces!